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Collection Services

Curated Data

New Titles
More than just books in print. ALS’ New Titles Service presents forthcoming titles that have been curated for relevance to Australian libraries. The website is updated weekly with new, prepublication titles from publishers in Australia, US, UK, NZ, CA, both big and boutique.

The ALS Curation Hub
Your first stopping point for curated collections of titles. Categories include Graded Readers; Trending Titles; Award Winners; and more.
Coming soon (late 2020) …

Trending Titles and Topics
Receive tailored lists of trending titles, compared against your ordering history, so you can easily browse items that might be missing from your collections. Trending data is also worked into our profile selections so that if we’re doing your selection, we are picking the best books that will grow your loan statistics.
Evergreen Lists
A new service for curated backlist that we are calling “Evergreen Lists”. These are titles that may not be brand new but that are still popular in the Australian marketplace. It’s useful for checking your collection to make sure you have the most popular titles, and for refreshing those areas that get heavy use (think Picture Books!)
Get in touch and ask us for a call or email back to explore how you can benefit from ALS' curated data and collection services.
Ordering & Selection

Intuitive Web Ordering
Your ALS ordering facility is intuitive and simple to use. Access is via a secure log in and multiple users and multiple shopping carts per user are supported. Search and duplication check processes ensure easy selection activity.

Pre-Populated Carts
Test out standing or profile orders but retain ordering control. Let us pre-populate shopping carts for you based on Author/Series lists or a profile. You check the selection prior to the the final order commitment.

Standing Orders
Impress your clients with the ALS Standing Order Service by having trending titles on your shelves while demand is high. Standing Orders can be constructed to your requirements. We can work with you to construct profiles based on Authors, Series, Readership, Genres, and Format classifications.

Profile Selection
Regain staff time by outsourcing the hard work of selection to ALS. Using our 5000+ new titles that are promoted each month, ALS is able to make balanced selections from the entire month’s range of publisher releases. This means that good books won’t be missed if publishers vary their new title information dates. Books about similar topics can be assessed for best value and fit to a library profile, whilst still ensuring that orders are placed prior to cut-off dates for first print runs.
Technical Services

End-Processing & RFID
Our in-house team has a through-put of tens of thousands of items per month which includes:
- Covering (dust-jackets and contact)
- Stamping
- Labelling (e.g. genre, spine, etc)
- Repackaging of audio-visual materials
- Security tagging (book and non-book)
- RFID labels and encoding
All client requirements and specifications are strictly documented and our quality assurance procedures ensure KPIs are met and items are processed correctly and to a high standard.

Metadata & Cataloguing
ALS employs a professional cataloguing team and creates over 100,000 original and copy records every year, for public, academic and school libraries. We have experience with all LMS’s, are a contributor to Libraries Australia and SCIS and are used to working both in our in-house LMS and on client systems via secure login.
Our team are also available for special projects and backlogs and love helping to make your collections discoverable!
Tracking and Customer Service

Data & Reporting
Management and financial reporting are an essential part of the successful communication process between the client and ALS. Stock control and financial systems maintain up-to-date records of all transactions and items in process, giving instant accessibility to various standard reports such as budget status or backorders as well as the ability to create additional reports that are unique to individual client requirements.

Regular communication is key to good client relationships. ALS provides a number of email newsletters providing updates on new titles, service updates, new options for customers and other useful industry data. Some newsletters are just for clients, but our monthly new titles update is open access and you can sign up for it on our homepage.

Deliveries & Customer Service
ALS selects almost entirely on a pre-publication basis for both locally and internationally sourced materials. Our strictly timed regime of creating new title information and selecting materials to client profiles means that orders are delivered to publishers in time to receive stock from the first available print runs. This means that stock is delivered to ALS on or before the Australian release date and expedited through our cataloguing and processing teams for fast delivery to clients.
Get in touch and ask us for a call or email back to explore how you can benefit from ALS' curated data and collection services.