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Reclaim time spent on collection development. Use ALS’ curated, pre-publication new title data (5000+ per month) combined with expert profile selections, professional web ordering and EDI processes.
Ask us for a login or sample profiles.

Metadata & Shelf Ready
Trusted teams of professionally-trained cataloguers and processors provide records and physical processing to your specifications. We can work in your system or ours, and processing can include fully linked RFID tags.

Distribution & Customer Service
Delight your patrons with new releases arriving on shelves quickly, delivered centrally or direct to your branches. ALS also has experience with special projects (e.g. Opening Day Collections) and customer requests.
Animal-Perspective Stories
The author conversation with Rosanne Parry sparked interest in her new book A wolf called Fire, part of her Voice of the wilderness series.
All are in our Animals as narrators Special List.
The 113th assistant librarian
The 113th assistant librarian is the start of a new middle-grade, can’t-miss fantasy series.
A thrilling story of a library (with cats), books which fly, bookworms which may eat you, magic, mystery and murder!
Order now!
Managing screen time – and the related effects of connectedness with both nature and other people – is a key issue for the wellbeing of children and adults alike. Find information and inspiration with our Unplug! Special List to help you make informed and mindful changes for a more screen-free life!
Get in touch and ask us for a call or email back to explore how you can benefit from ALS' curated data and collection services.